Got a broken spring on your garage door, we’ve got you covered, Get your Garage Door springs replaced Now!
The lifetime of a garage door spring is based on the cycles. The minimum specification is 10,000 cycles. That means the garage door will go up and down on an average of 10,000 times before the spring breaks. The more you use your garage door, the sooner the springs will break, and need to be replaced.
Garage Door Springs come in different shapes and sizes, based on the weight of your door and the Length of the spring. If the wrong spring is installed; it would shorten the life span of the garage door and the garage door opener, and it would be more likely that they will break shortly after the replacement.
How many cycles Garage Door springs last is the key measure of their quality The average garage door springs last anywhere between 10,000 to 20,000 Cycles At Excellent Garage Door Service we use springs that lasts Up to 50,000 Cycles
It’s commonly known that if one spring broken it would be adding double the pressure on the other one, that makes it most like to break really soon, If you choose to change the broken one only, most likely the second one will break shortly after the replacement,
Garage door rollers play an important role in the garage door ecosystem. When they are running properly, your garage door will operate more efficiently. The life expectancy of most garage door rollers out there is around 10,000 cycles That’s why it is recommended that you get your garage door rollers replaced while replacing your springs, If you choose not to change them, it will have a negative effect on your garage door opener, adding higher pressure on it, which decreases its life expectancy.
Replacing garage door springs is very dangerous because the springs are under tension. If you do not use the right tools and follow the safety procedures; you could seriously harm yourself, a member of your family or your property in the process.